The Noble Lie of Brain Plasticity

Catch me speaking on ‘The Noble Lie of Brain Plasticity’ at Newman University on March 10th…

What can neuroscience offer alternative education research?

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This relaxed and friendly day event at Newman University, Birmingham—organised by the BERA Alternative Education Special Interest Group and partnered with the Freedom to Learn Network ( offers an opportunity for those interested in neuroscience and education done differently to meet and debate connected relevant issues.

We have two invited keynote speakers: Dr Kris De Meyer a neuroscientist from Kings College, London, who specializes in the formation and retention of beliefs (whether right or wrong) – speaking about ‘The Mind of the Educator’, and Dr David Aldridge of Brunel University, London who has a philosophical interest in both alternative education and neuroscience – speaking about ‘The Noble Lie of Brain Plasticity’.

The event will be a chance to network, converse, debate, meet colleagues known and unknown interested in alternative education and develop knowledge. We will also be having a Handbook and Book Series launch as part of the event, themed by the new and emerging scholarship in alternative education.

12.00 Networking Lunch
12.45 Intro
13.00 Keynote, including questions
Kris de Meyer
14.30 Break out groups – open technology debates
15.00 Coffee and networking
15.30 Keynote, including questions
David Aldridge
16.25 Completion of evaluation forms
16.30 Handbook launch and book series launch
17.30 Departures